An affidavit of loss is a written statement made under oath, declaring that a document or item has been lost. This legal document is necessary for officially recording the loss and is often required to obtain a replacement for the lost item. When visiting the Land Transportation Office (LTO), having an affidavit of loss is essential for replacing lost items like driver’s licenses or vehicle registration documents.
You need an affidavit of loss at the LTO to formally declare the loss and proceed with getting a replacement. Preparing this document before your visit can save time and money and quickly address the loss of crucial documents, avoiding delays and complications. In this article, we will explain what an affidavit of loss is, how it is used at the LTO, and provide a sample template.
What is an Affidavit of Loss?
An affidavit of loss is a written statement made under oath, declaring that a document or item has been lost. This document includes important details such as the declarant’s name, description of the lost item, and the circumstances of its loss. It is often required to replace lost items or documents, especially at the LTO.
At the LTO, an affidavit of loss is necessary for replacing lost documents like a driver’s license, motor vehicle registration, or official receipts. The document must be notarized, which means it needs to be signed in front of a notary public. Knowing how to prepare an affidavit of loss helps you save money and time when attempting to replace your important documents without unnecessary delays.

Key Elements of an Affidavit of Loss
As a written statement made under oath, the affidavit of loss is a necessary requirement when declaring a loss and seeking a replacement of the lost item. Making sure that the affidavit bears these key elements helps you create an accurate and effective document.
1. Declarant’s Details
- Full Name: Your complete name as it appears on legal documents.
- Address: Your current residential address.
- Identification Details: Information from your ID, such as your ID number or passport number.
2. Description of Lost Item
- Item Type: Specify the type of document or item that is lost, such as a driver’s license or vehicle registration.
- Identification Numbers: Include any serial or identification numbers associated with the lost item.
- Issuing Authority: The organization or authority that issued the lost document, like the LTO.
3. Circumstances of Loss
- Date of Loss: The exact date when you realized the item was lost.
- Location of Loss: Where you believe the item was lost.
- Details of Loss: A brief description of how you think the item was lost.
4. Actions Taken
- Search Efforts: Describe any steps you took to try to find the lost item.
- Reports Filed: Mention if you reported the loss to any authority, such as the police.
- Attempts to Recover: Any other actions you took to recover the lost item.
5. Declaration of Non-Recovery
- Non-Recovery Statement: A clear statement that despite your efforts, the item has not been recovered.
- Current Status: Confirm that the item remains lost.
- Assurance: An assertion that the item is not in anyone else’s possession or pledged to someone else.
6. Purpose of Affidavit
- Reason for Declaration: State why you are creating the affidavit, such as to obtain a replacement document.
- Intended Use: Specify that the affidavit will be used at the LTO for processing a replacement.
- Legal Intent: Mention that the affidavit is being made under oath and is truthful.
These elements of the affidavit ensure that the document is complete and effective. Preparing a thorough affidavit helps you make one that can be used legally without having to spend extra to have a lawyer draft it for you.
Legal Considerations
As an important legal document, the affidavit must include certain details and follow specific legal guidelines. Here are the legal considerations required for preparing a valid affidavit of loss.
- Truthfulness
When writing an affidavit of loss, it’s crucial to ensure all statements are truthful. Providing false information can result in serious legal consequences, such as penalties for perjury. Lying on an affidavit can result in serious legal consequences.
- Complete and Accurate Details
An affidavit of loss needs specific details to be valid. It should include the full name, address, and identification of the person making the affidavit. It must also describe the lost item in detail, explain how and where it was lost, and include a declaration that the item has not been found.
- Notarization
The affidavit must be notarized to be legally valid. This means it must be signed in front of a notary public, who will verify your identity, witness your signature, then stamp and sign the document.
Affidavit of Loss Template
Here is a sample template for drafting an affidavit of loss:
I, [Full Name], of legal age, [Job Title], and resident of [Address], after being duly sworn in accordance with law, hereby depose and state:
1. I am the lawful owner/holder of [Describe the lost item/document], bearing [Identification details/Serial number], issued on [Date of Issuance] by [Issuing Authority/Organization].
2. On [Date of Loss], I discovered that the said [Item/Document] was missing from my possession. I believe that it was lost on or about [Estimated time of loss] at [Location of loss].
3. Despite diligent efforts to locate the said [Item/Document], including [List any actions taken to find the item], it has not been recovered.
4. I have not pledged or assigned the said [Item/Document] to anyone, and it is free from any encumbrance.
5. This affidavit is being executed for the purpose of declaring the loss and applying for a [State purpose, e.g., replacement, legal transaction].
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this [Date] at [Place of Execution].
[Signature over Printed Name]
[Notary Public]
[Notary Public’s Commission Details]
[Doc. No.]
[Page No.]
[Book No.]
[Series of Year]
If you need a copy, here is a downloadable sample template for an Affidavit of Loss: Affidavit of Loss Downloadable PDF (General Use)
Using the Affidavit of Loss at the LTO
The LTO requires an affidavit of loss for various transactions, including:
- Lost Driver’s License: If your driver’s license is lost, you need an affidavit of loss to apply for a duplicate. This document confirms the loss and allows the LTO to issue a replacement license.
- Lost Motor Vehicle Official Receipt and Certificate of Registration (OR/CR): An affidavit of loss is necessary to replace these crucial documents. It serves as proof that the originals are lost and helps facilitate the issuance of duplicates.
- Lost License Plates: If your vehicle’s license plates are lost, you will need to submit an affidavit of loss to get replacements. This document verifies the loss and enables the LTO to issue new license plates.
- Lost RFID Sticker: For vehicles equipped with RFID stickers, an affidavit of loss is required for reissuance. This ensures that the lost RFID sticker is deactivated, and a new one can be issued.
- Lost or Stolen Vehicles: In cases where the entire vehicle is lost or stolen, an affidavit of loss is crucial for reporting the loss to the LTO. This initiates the necessary procedures for updating records and potentially issuing a new registration.
- Lost TOP/eTOP: For vehicles with Transport Operator’s Permits (TOP) or electronic Transport Operator’s Permits (eTOP) that are lost, an affidavit of loss is required. This document supports the request for a replacement permit and updates the LTO records accordingly.
Each affidavit ensures that the loss is formally acknowledged and documented, enabling the LTO to provide necessary replacements or updates.
Video: Affidavit of Loss Explained
In this video from Legal Guide Philippines, you can understand the steps to create an affidavit of loss and how to use one, as well as the key elements and all the important legal stuff about it. Watch to learn how an affidavit of loss works in case of lost documents and items.
Understanding and properly drafting an affidavit of loss can simplify the process of replacing essential documents and items. This knowledge is especially useful when dealing with the LTO in cases of loss as it allows you to personally draft your affidavit quickly and resolve issues related to lost items as efficiently as you want to.