In a surprising news, the Land Transportation Office (LTO) reported having apprehended a significant number of 529,578 motorists in the year 2023. The LTO Chief, Assistant Secretary Vigor Mendoza II, released a statement this Friday citing some of the most frequent violations. These included non-compliance with the Clean Air Act or the Republic Act (RA) 8749 for failure of emission testing, the Seatbelt Law Act or RA 8750, and cases of overloading.
The LTO, in its stringent drive, also impounded a hefty total of 23,614 motor vehicles last year. This figure marks a substantial increase of 47 percent compared to the year 2022.

Figures & Stats
The alarming figures released by the LTO reflect an urgent need for stricter enforcement on road safety laws and regulations. The overall objective is to ensure a safer driving experience for all motorists, commuters, and pedestrians alike.
- The LTO apprehended an alarming number of 529,578 rogue drivers in 2023.
- Common violations: non-compliance with the Clean Air Act, Seatbelt Law Act, and overloading.
- Vehicle impoundment increased by 47% compared to 2022.
- Urgent need for increased enforcer visibility on roads.
- Continued enforcement of the ‘no registration, no travel’ policy.
- Aim to register 24.7 million unregistered vehicles in the country.
- Strict road discipline emphasized for everyone’s safety.
Boost in LTO Enforcement and Continued Policies
Assistant Secretary Mendoza issued directives to LTO regional directors to ensure the increased visibility of LTO enforcers on the roads. This action is complemented by plans for procuring additional motor vehicles for traffic enforcers. Mendoza believes that their uniformed personnel’s simple presence on roads prompts motorists to maintain discipline, which contributes significantly to road safety.
Reiterating the importance of obeying traffic laws and road safety regulations, Mendoza stated that the ‘no registration, no travel’ policy would be enforced in the new year as well. This policy is aimed at promoting the registration of the estimated 24.7 million unregistered motor vehicles in the country. He stressed the relevance of vehicle registration for maintaining road safety since it is a good measure to assess the roadworthiness of vehicles.
Common Traffic Violations
The significant increase in apprehensions by the LTO serves as a reminder to all drivers to comply with traffic laws and regulations. It is important to prioritize road safety and avoid incurring penalties, which ultimately adds financial burden to individuals and families. Here’s a list of some common traffic violations in the Philippines:
- Disobeying traffic lights and signs
- Speeding
- Using electronic gadgets while driving
- Driving without a valid driver’s license
- Overloading of vehicles beyond capacity
- Not wearing seatbelts
- Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs
By being aware and following these laws, we can contribute to a safer and more disciplined community on the roads.
LTO Reminds Drivers to Have Road Discipline
The LTO chief expressed his regret about the necessity to apprehend violators, acknowledging the additional financial burden of penalties on the public. However, he emphasized the importance of amplifying the campaign for road discipline, given that it directly impacts everyone’s safety. Here are some reminders:
- Follow traffic rules and regulations.
- Always wear seatbelts, even for short trips.
- Check your vehicle’s roadworthiness before traveling.
- Avoid using electronic gadgets while driving.
- Do not drink or take drugs before driving.
Video: Driver Apprehended for Having Fake Driver’s License
A video from Gadget Addict reports an incident where a driver was apprehended by the LTO due to a fake driver’s license. The video highlights the need for stricter enforcement measures and urges motorists to comply with traffic laws and regulations to avoid such consequences.
As a cautionary measure, the Land Transportation Office (LTO) urges drivers to prioritize road discipline and comply with traffic laws and regulations. The significant increase in apprehensions serves as a reminder of the urgent need for stricter enforcement to ensure everyone’s safety on the roads. By following traffic rules and regulations, we can contribute towards a more disciplined community on the road.
You can see the full news report below as shared from the official LTO Facebook Page: