Deed of Sale for Motorcycle (Draft and Sample) for Riders

A Deed of Sale for a motorcycle is a legal document that signifies the transfer of ownership from the seller to the buyer. It includes critical information such as the identities of both parties, the motorcycle’s details, and the agreed sale price. Understanding and having this document is essential because it provides legal proof of the transaction, ensuring both parties are protected.

Knowing about the Deed of Sale is crucial for riders because it is a mandatory requirement when registering or transferring ownership of a motorcycle with the Land Transportation Office (LTO). Without it, the new owner cannot legally claim ownership, potentially leading to legal complications. This document also helps prevent fraud and disputes, ensuring that the transaction is transparent and legitimate.

What is a Deed of Sale for a Motorcycle?

A Deed of Sale for a motorcycle is a written agreement that confirms the transfer of ownership from the seller to the buyer. It typically includes details such as the full names and addresses of the seller and buyer, the motorcycle’s make, model, year, engine number, chassis number, and the sale price. Both parties must sign the document to validate the agreement.

The Deed of Sale usually follows a specific format, often provided by legal professionals or available as templates online. It contains sections for the particulars of the motorcycle, the terms of the sale, and spaces for signatures and dates. You can obtain a Deed of Sale from lawyers, notary publics, or through downloadable templates from reputable legal websites.

Key Elements

A Deed of Sale for motorcycles is an essential document for legally transferring ownership. It is crucial for both buyers and sellers to ensure the document meets all legal standards to avoid complications. This includes specific content, proper notarization, and understanding other legal requirements. Here are the key elements and sections that must be included in a Deed of Sale for it to be valid at the LTO:

1. Title

  • Clearly stating it is a “Deed of Sale.”

2. Parties Involved

  • Full names of buyer and seller
  • Addresses of both parties

3. Vehicle Details

4. Sale Information

  • Sale price
  • Date of transaction

5. Signatures

  • Signatures of both buyer and seller

6. Notarization

  • Notary public’s signature and seal
  • Date of notarization

7. Legal Statements

  • Declaration of no liens or encumbrances
  • Confirmation of the transfer of ownership

8. Acknowledgment

  • Statement acknowledging that both parties understand and agree to the terms of the sale

All these elements are present and accurately completed is necessary for the Deed of Sale to be legally binding and accepted by the LTO.

Importance and Benefits

A Deed of Sale for a motorcycle is crucial as it legally documents the transfer of ownership, protecting both the buyer and seller. It provides proof of transaction, ensuring transparency and preventing disputes. Plus, the LTO requires a notarized deed of sale to process the transfer of ownership. This document, along with other necessary paperwork, confirms that the motorcycle has been legally sold and the new owner can register it under their name. Without a deed of sale, the LTO will not acknowledge the ownership change, leaving the original owner liable for the vehicle.

For riders or buyers, having a Deed of Sale offers multiple benefits, including the following:

  • Clearly establishes the new owner, which is essential for legal and insurance purposes.
  • Minimizes the risk of fraudulent claims regarding ownership or sale conditions.
  • Simplifies the transfer of ownership process at the LTO.
  • Records the sale price, providing evidence in case of financial disputes.
  • Ensures both parties understand and agree to the sale terms, leading to smoother transactions.

How to Draft and Notarize a Deed of Sale for Motorcycles

Drafting and notarizing a Deed of Sale for motorcycles involves several important steps. This document is essential for legally transferring ownership from the seller to the buyer. Properly completing and notarizing the deed ensures the transaction is recognized by the LTO and protects both parties.

Step 1. Gather Information

Collect all necessary details, including the buyer’s and seller’s full names, addresses, and contact information.

Step 2. Motorcycle Details

Record the motorcycle’s make, model, year, color, license plate number, chassis number, and engine number.

Step 3. Draft the Document

Use a template or draft a document that includes buyer and seller information, motorcycle details, sale price, transaction date, and any specific terms or conditions.

Step 4. Include Acknowledgment Clause

Add a statement confirming that both parties agree to the sale terms and conditions.

Step 5. Signatures

Ensure both the buyer and seller sign the document.

Step 6. Witnesses

If required, have witnesses sign the document.

Step 7. Find a Notary Public

Locate a notary public to notarize the deed of sale.

Step 8. Notarization Process

Present valid identification, have the notary verify identities, witness the signatures, and affix their seal and signature to the document.

Step 9. Keep Multiple Copies

Make several copies of the notarized deed of sale for personal records and for submission to the LTO.

Deed of Sale for a Motorcycle Template

Here’s a simple example of how a deed of sale might look:




That I, [Seller’s Name], Filipino, of legal age, and a resident of [Seller’s Address], am the lawful owner of a certain motor vehicle which is more particularly described as follows:










That for and in consideration of the sum of [Amount in Words] (P[Amount in Numbers]) PESOS, Philippine Currency, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, I hereby sell, transfer, and convey by way of Absolute Sale unto [Buyer’s Name], Filipino, of legal age, and resident of [Buyer’s Address], the above-described motor vehicle, free from all liens and encumbrances.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto affixed our hands this [day] day of [month] at [place].

_________________                         _________________

VENDOR                                 VENDEE

Witnessed by:

___________________                    ___________________


Republic of the Philippines)

City of [City])S.S.

BEFORE ME, personally appeared:

Name            Competent Evidence of Identity        Date/Place Issued

Known to me and known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that the same is their free and voluntary act and deed.

WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL, on the date and place first above written.

Notary Public

Doc. No. _____;

Page No. _____;

Book No. _____;

Series of 20____.


Downloadable Deed of Sale for Motorcycle Template

Having a properly formatted Deed of Sale is essential for transferring motorcycle ownership smoothly and legally. To help you with this process, we’ve provided a downloadable template that includes all necessary elements. This ensures that you won’t miss any crucial details and can complete your transaction with confidence.

Download Deed of Sale for Motorcycle Template [PDF format]

Video: Deed of Sale (Motorcycle)

In this video from jhepot TV, Jonilo B. Togolog Jr. of Gerona, Tarlac, explored the importance of having a valid deed of sale for motorcycles, especially when dealing with registration at the LTO. Watch til the end for a better understanding of its significance and how it can help ensure a smooth ownership transfer process and compliance with legal requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Understanding the importance of a Deed of Sale for motorcycles at the LTO is crucial for riders. To help you clarify and better understand the need for a Deed of Sale for motorcycles, especially at the LTO, here are answers to some of the questions you might also have:

1. Do I need to notarize the Deed of Sale?

Yes, notarization by a notary public is necessary to validate the document and make it legally binding.

2. Can I create my own Deed of Sale?

Yes, you can draft your own template or use a standard template available online, ensuring it includes all required details.

3. What happens if I don’t have a Deed of Sale?

Without a Deed of Sale or failing to submit it to the LTO, both buyers and sellers of motorcycles may face legal problems and future complications as well as the following consequences:

  • Difficulty in Registering the Motorcycle: The LTO requires a Deed of Sale as proof of ownership transfer for registration purposes.
  • Legal Ownership Issues: Without a Deed of Sale, there may be disputes over ownership rights, especially in case of future claims or legal issues.
  • Inability to Prove Purchase Price: Sellers may not be able to prove the sale price agreed upon, which can complicate tax obligations or disputes.
  • Risk of Fraudulent Transactions: Lack of documentation increases the risk of fraudulent transactions or misrepresentations.
  • Limited Resale Opportunities: Buyers may face challenges when reselling the motorcycle if they cannot provide proof of purchase and ownership transfer.
  • Potential Penalties: Failure to comply with LTO requirements may result in fines or penalties, especially for the seller or previous owner in case of apprehension.

4. Can I use a handwritten Deed of Sale?

While handwritten deeds are acceptable, it’s advisable to have them notarized for legal certainty.

5. How long is a Deed of Sale valid?

It remains valid indefinitely as proof of the transaction unless invalidated by a subsequent legal process.

6. Do I need to submit the original Deed of Sale to the LTO?

Yes, the original or a certified true copy is required for registration purposes at the LTO.

7. What should I do if there are discrepancies in the Deed of Sale?

 Address any discrepancies immediately by amending the document and ensuring all parties sign the corrected version before notarization.

8. Can I renew the LTO registration of a secondhand motorcycle registration without a deed of sale for motorcycles?

No, you generally cannot renew the LTO registration of a secondhand motorcycle without a deed of sale. The LTO requires a deed of sale as proof of ownership transfer for any vehicle, including motorcycles. Without this document, the LTO may not recognize the transfer of ownership from the previous owner to you, the current owner. This could prevent you from renewing the registration because the LTO needs to verify that the vehicle is legally owned by you before issuing a new registration.


A well-prepared Deed of Sale for a motorcycle includes specific details about the buyer, seller, and vehicle, and must be notarized to be legally binding. Understanding the contents and legal requirements of this document helps ensure a smooth and legitimate ownership transfer at the LTO. Utilizing a template can streamline the process and ensure all necessary information is included and also protects both buyer and seller from future legal issues and confirms the new owner’s rights.