Deed of Sale for Car (Draft and Sample)

A deed of sale for a car or motor vehicle is a legal document that records the transfer of ownership from the seller to the buyer. It contains essential details about the vehicle, the parties involved, and the terms of the sale. Understanding this document is crucial because it provides legal proof of the transaction and protects both parties’ rights.

Learning about and understanding a deed of sale is important because it ensures that the transfer of ownership is legally recognized, which is necessary for registering the vehicle with the Land Transportation Office (LTO). Without a properly executed deed of sale, the buyer may face difficulties in transferring the title and proving ownership. Additionally, failing to have this document can lead to legal disputes or complications if the vehicle is involved in an accident or other issues.

What is a Deed of Sale for a Motor Vehicle?

A Deed of Sale for a motor vehicle is a legal document that formalizes the transfer of ownership from the seller to the buyer. It must include the names and addresses of both parties, detailed information about the vehicle (such as make, model, year, color, and identification numbers), and the terms of the sale including the purchase price. This document is crucial for legal and registration purposes, ensuring that the transaction is recognized by law.

Also Read: Deed of Sale for Motorcycle (Draft and Sample) for Riders

The Deed of Sale typically looks like a formal contract, often with a structured layout including spaces for signatures and notarization. It serves as a binding agreement that both parties consent to the sale under the stated terms. This document is used to transfer the vehicle’s record at the LTO, providing official evidence of the new ownership and facilitating the registration process under the new owner’s name.

Why is this Document Important?

A Deed of Sale is important because it provides legal proof of the transfer of ownership for a motor vehicle. It protects both the buyer and the seller by clearly outlining the terms of the sale and the details of the vehicle. Without this document, disputes or legal issues could arise, making it difficult to prove ownership or responsibility.

For Buyers

  • Confirms legal ownership of the vehicle.
  • Facilitates vehicle registration with the LTO.
  • Provides a clear record of the transaction terms.
  • Protects against future disputes with the seller.
  • Ensures all vehicle details are accurately documented.

For Sellers

  • Proves the transfer of ownership to the buyer.
  • Releases them from future liabilities associated with the vehicle.
  • Provides legal documentation in case of disputes.
  • Ensures the vehicle is removed from their name at the LTO.
  • Protects against accusations of illegal activity involving the vehicle post-sale.

When is a Deed of Sale Needed and Who Prepares It?

A Deed of Sale is needed whenever a motor vehicle is bought or sold. This document is crucial for legally transferring ownership and registering the vehicle under the new owner’s name. Typically, the seller prepares the Deed of Sale, but the buyer can also draft it if necessary.

When a Deed of Sale is Needed:

  • During the sale or purchase of a motor vehicle.
  • When transferring ownership of a vehicle to another person.
  • For registering the vehicle with the LTO under the new owner’s name.
  • To provide proof of the transaction in case of legal disputes.
  • To protect both parties’ interests in the sale.

Who Prepares the Deed of Sale:

  • Typically prepared by the seller
  • Can be prepared by the buyer if the seller not have one.
  • May be drafted by a legal professional to ensure accuracy.
  • The seller often prepares it to avoid liability issues.
  • Either party can prepare it, but it must be mutually agreed upon and signed.

Details Included in a Deed of Sale

A Deed of Sale must contain specific details to be legally valid and useful for both the buyer and the seller. These details ensure that the transaction is clear, transparent, and legally binding. Each piece of information serves to accurately document the agreement and facilitate the registration process with the LTO.

A Deed of Sale for motor vehicles typically include the following:

  • Names and Addresses of Both Parties – Identifies the buyer and seller, establishing their involvement in the transaction.
  • Vehicle Description – Includes make, model, year, color, and plate number to specify the exact vehicle being sold.
  • Vehicle Identification Numbers – Motor and chassis numbers ensure the vehicle is uniquely identified and matched to official records.
  • Certificate of Registration Details – LTO file number and certificate number link the vehicle to its official registration.
  • Purchase Price and Payment Terms – Clearly states the amount paid and the terms of the transaction, confirming the financial agreement between the parties.
  • Date of Sale – Specifies when the ownership transfer takes place, crucial for legal and registration purposes.
  • Acknowledgment and Notarization – Validates the document’s authenticity and ensures it can be used as legal proof in disputes.
  • Signatures of Both Parties – l that both the buyer and seller agree to the terms of the sale.
  • Photocopies of Valid IDs – Provides additional verification of the identities of the involved parties.
  • Acknowledgment and Notarization – Validates the document’s authenticity and ensures it can be used as legal proof in disputes.

Consequences of Not Having a Deed of Sale

Not having a Deed of Sale when buying or selling a motor vehicle can lead to significant legal and practical issues. This document is essential for proving ownership and ensuring the transaction is recognized by authorities. Without it, both buyers and sellers may face numerous problems.

For Buyers

  • Difficulty Proving Ownership – Without a Deed of Sale, it is challenging to demonstrate legal ownership of the vehicle.
  • Problems Registering the Vehicle – The LTO requires this document to transfer the vehicle’s registration to the buyer’s name.
  • Increased Risk of Disputes – Lack of documentation can lead to disagreements with the seller regarding the terms of the sale.
  • Legal Vulnerability – In case of legal issues or accidents, proving ownership or defending against claims becomes difficult.
  • Potential for Fraud – Without a formal document, buyers are more susceptible to fraud or scams.

For Sellers

  • Continued Liability – Without a Deed of Sale, the seller may still be held responsible for the vehicle, especially in case of accidents or legal issues.
  • Ownership Disputes – Without proof of sale, disputes may arise about whether the vehicle was sold.
  • Registration Issues – The vehicle might remain registered in the seller’s name, causing legal and administrative complications.
  • Risk of Fraud Accusations – Without formal documentation, sellers may face accusations of fraud or misrepresentation.
  • Difficulty Proving the Sale – In case of accidents, disputes or legal matters, proving that the vehicle was sold without a Deed of Sale becomes problematic.

How to Draft and Execute a Deed of Sale for Motor Vehicles

Drafting and executing a Deed of Sale for a motor vehicle is a critical step in transferring ownership legally and smoothly. This process ensures that both the buyer and the seller are protected and that the transaction is recognized by authorities. Here’s a guide on what you need and the steps to follow.


  • Identification Documents
    • Valid government-issued IDs of both the buyer and the seller.
  • Vehicle Details
    • Make
    • Model
    • Year
    • Color
    • Plate number
    • Motor number
    • Chassis numbers
  • Certificate of Registration
    • Current LTO registration details of the vehicle.
  • Purchase Agreement
    • Clear terms of the sale
    • Purchase price 
    • Payment method
  • Notarization
    • Arrangements for notarizing the Deed of Sale to ensure its legal validity.


Step 1. Gather Information 

Collect all necessary details about the vehicle and both parties.

Step 2. Draft the Document 

Write the Deed of Sale, including all required information, such as names, addresses, vehicle details, and sale terms.

Step 3. Review and Sign 

Both parties should carefully review the document for accuracy and then sign it in the presence of a notary.

Step 4. Notarize the Document 

Take the signed Deed of Sale to a notary public for notarization, which legally authenticates the document.

Step 5. Submit to LTO 

Provide the notarized Deed of Sale and other required documents to the LTO to complete the vehicle registration transfer.

Deed of Sale for Motor Vehicle Sample Template

A Deed of Sale for a motor vehicle is an essential document that legally transfers ownership from the seller to the buyer. This document must include specific details to ensure it is valid and enforceable. Below is a sample template that outlines the necessary components of a Deed of Sale for a motor vehicle in the Philippines.

Deed of Sale


This Deed of Sale, made and executed by and between:

[Seller’s Full Name], of legal age, Filipino, and with residence and postal address at [Seller’s Address] (hereinafter referred to as the “SELLER”);


[Buyer’s Full Name], of legal age, Filipino, and with residence and postal address at [Buyer’s Address] (hereinafter referred to as the “BUYER”);


WHEREAS, the SELLER is the lawful owner of a motor vehicle which is more particularly described as follows:

– Make: [Vehicle Make]

– Model: [Vehicle Model]

– Year: [Year of Manufacture]

– Color: [Color]

– Plate Number: [Plate Number]

– Motor Number: [Motor Number]

– Chassis Number: [Chassis Number]

– LTO File Number: [LTO File Number]

– Certificate of Registration Number: [Certificate Number]

WHEREAS, the SELLER agrees to sell and the BUYER agrees to buy the above-described motor vehicle for the total sum of [Purchase Price] (Php [Amount in Words]).

NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the sum of [Purchase Price] (Php [Amount in Words]), the SELLER sells, transfers, and conveys unto the BUYER the above-described motor vehicle, free from all liens and encumbrances.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands this [Day] day of [Month, Year] at [Location].



[Seller’s Full Name]  



[Buyer’s Full Name]  

Signed in the presence of:


[Witness 1]


[Witness 2]



_________________________ ) S.S.

BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for and in the City of [City], personally appeared:

[Seller’s Full Name] with [ID Type and Number], and  

[Buyer’s Full Name] with [ID Type and Number],

known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that the same is their free and voluntary act and deed.

WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL, this [Day] day of [Month, Year] at [Location].


Notary Public

Doc. No. _____  

Page No. _____  

Book No. _____  

Series of _____

This sample template provides a clear and structured format for creating a Deed of Sale for a motor vehicle, ensuring all essential details are included and legally binding.

If you need to download a copy of a blank Deed of Sale for Motor Vehicles, you may click the link below:

Download Deed of Sale for Motor Vehicle PDF

Video: Deed of Sale of Motor Vehicle for 1st Time Secondhand Buyers

For a more detailed explanation, watch this video on the importance of Deeds of Sale for motor vehicles and the difference between open and closed types from daddyvlog69 #kapositive:


A Deed of Sale for a motor vehicle is a crucial legal document that proves the transfer of ownership. It must include specific details about the buyer, seller, and vehicle to be valid. Not having this document can lead to complications, so it’s essential to ensure it is properly prepared and notarized to protect all parties involved.